"Once a Yogi asked me do i know what god is ? I said no! i dont know what God is but i can show you who the God is" - Vivek ji
I have a deep love for exploring people, the planet, and everything that surrounds us. I have always been curious and questioned everything and everyone, but this curiosity eventually led me to question my own existence. While I was walking in Africa, I encountered a group of young children who spoke a language I couldn't understand. However, I felt a deep connection with them, as if I knew them from the depths of my heart. It was a powerful moment of unity among us.
If you ask me what is philosphy ? I would say rotten words but if you ask me what is Darshan, i would say the iginite of bliss, the spark within us. Once i was meeting a yogi, a well known yogi, weall set for a meals together. You know the kind of meals Yogis have ? After a lot of chanting and all that, i was simply sitting yogis were upset as they felt i am not doing anything you know as much as you are known like a Sadhu you need to pretend a lot, i was not ready and shall never be ready to pretend. Anyway after the lenghty meal the Yogi asked me do i know what god is ? I said no! i dont know what God is but i can show you who the God is! the yogi was upset but my asnwer and most of the Yogis do get upset, but since i ws very young he said show me where the god is ? I showed him a mirror, he was not amused but he did understood what i meant. You all should know that i still keep that mirror with me !
Vivek ji